ObjectEditAdaptor Documentaion

ObjectEditAdaptor - The Docs

Options and Event Overview

Click on code for relevant, detailed documentation on the property or element

To use ObjectEditAdaptor just include a script and stylesheet reference in the head of your HTML document and instantiate new ObjectEditAdaptors

    "dataSrc": JSObj,  //JavaScript Object that will be edited when the user uses the adaptor
    "mapping": {  //Object that describes how the UI relates to underlying data
        "propName": {
            "el":"className", //Input Element (Optional)
            "disp":"className", //Display Element(s)(Optional)
            "type": "number" | "date" | "dateTime" //Special Types, Optional, use when appropriate
        }, ...
    "defaultObj": {
    "states": {
        "stateName1":function() { }, …
    "startState": "stateName",
    "dataChanged": function(ObjectEditObj, changeDef, dataObj) { },
    "save": function(ObjectEditObj, changeDef, dataObj) { }
Click on a property or parameter for full details...

Page Structure

To use ObjectEditAdaptor just include a script and stylesheet reference in the head of your HTML document and instantiate new ObjectEditAdaptors

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="js/ObjectEditAdaptor.js" type="text/javascript">
        <script type="text/javascript">
                this is a test,
        <Tom was here

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