LoveTech's PostgreSQL PHP Library

PostgreSQL in PHP


PostgreSQL is LoveTech's database of choice for most of our deployments due to its world class excellence and unbeatable price tag(FREE!).

We've built a convenience library in PHP for common database operations and are documenting it here and releasing it to the public for free.

Pay it forward, our friends


$db = new Database($psqlHost, $psqlPort, $psqlDatabase, $psqlUser, $psqlPwd);

echo json_encode($db->GetTableList());



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Initializes the PostgreSQL connection. Called automatically by constructor


Used to close the PostgreSQL connection when finished with querying


$db->Get($table, $options)

Gets a single result from a database query

$db->GetOneResult($query, $params, $fields, $option)

Gets a single result from a database query

$db->GetAllResults($query, $params, $fields, $options)

Gets all results from a database query

$db->GetOneResultNested($query, $params, $fields)

Gets a single result from a database query with nested sub-objects embedded

$db->GetAllResultsNested($query, $params, $nestingStructure)

Gets all results from a with embedded noded. For example, client_id field can spawn client node with title

$db->UpsertOne($table, $fields, $options)

Upserts a single object/ document

$db->Insert($table, $fields, $options)

Inserts a single object/ document

$db->Update($table, $fields, $options)

Updates all object/ document that match the constraint

$db->UpsertMulti($table, $records, $options)

Upserts a series of objects/ document

$db->UpsertOneNested($table, $dataObj, $nestingStructure, $options)

Upserts a nested object/ document

$db->UpsertMultiNested($table, $dataObjs, $nestingStructure, $options)

Upserts multiple nested objects/ documents


Runs a PostgreSQL query directly against the database. Ideal for CREATE or ALTER TABLES, UPDATE, or INSERT statements

$db->RunQueryParams($query, $params)

Runs a PostgreSQL query directly against the database using the $1, $2, etc placeholder notation and query params array, $params. Ideal for UPDATE, or INSERT statements with escaping special characters


$db->DoesAssociationExist($mappingTable, $propDefs, $associationToCheck)

Check if the objects/ documents are associated as specified

$db->GetAllAssociations($mappingTable, $propDefs, $matchRules)

Get all of the associations in accordance with the provided rules

$db->EnsureAssociations($mappingTable, $propDefs, $associations, $exhaustive)

Ensures that the specified associations exist. If $exhaustive is passed as true, all non referenced associations will be removed

$db->RemoveAssociations($mappingTable, $propDefs, $associationsToDelete)

Removes the associations specified in $associationsToDelete

$db->RemoveAllAssociations($mappingTable, $removeRules)

Removes the associations specified using the remove rules



Gets a list of all tables in the connected to database


Gets the column definitions of the table


Gets the column definitions of all tables in the connected to database


$db->prepResult($dataObj, $fields)

After data is fetched from the database, this function aligns all of the variable types to match the field definitions


Used to dynamically generate PostgreSQL SELECT query field lists


Used to dynamically generate PostgreSQL SELECT and UPDATE query WHERE clauses


Used to determine if two or more tables are involved in the query


Used to determine if the table exists


Returns the name of the database that the PHP5 PostgreSQL driver is currently connected to


Checks if a PostgreSQL database with this name exists


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